E911-LBS Consulting
Founded in 2002, E911-LBS Consulting and its sister company E911-LBS Forensics Engineering, are dedicated to the success of clients
who have a large stake in the use of mobile location and context information. Contact us at [email protected], or call 203-423-9015.
THE Wireless Location Experts – LBS | E911 |GPS | IoT | Beacons | Network | RFID | RTLS | Sensors | Hybrids | Indoor | Outdoor | Mobile Platforms | Telematics | Context
E911-LBS Consulting
syste Whether from GPS, the Internet of Things, 911, or other sources, location and context will continue to play an ever-expanding role in strategic business and everyday consumer life. E911-LBS is here to help you navigate LBS’, E911’s, and IoT’s increasing business opportunities and complex technical design and implementation issues.
E911-LBS Consulting is THE premier provider of business, product and technology strategy and implementation services for enterprises, start-ups, and public sector entities looking to capitalize on location-based services (LBS), public safety/E911, and the Internet of Things (IoT). With market leading expertise in all forms of indoor and outdoor location technologies including GPS, Beacons/Bluetooth, E911, RFID, RTLS/Wi-Fi, network-based methods, and various combinations and hybrids, and the context-awareness potential of sensors, we can provide you with the services to ensure fully functional and integrated indoor and outdoor applications to maximize your ROI and customer success.
The rapidly evolving technologies of sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT), combined with ever-more-precise location (including context-based and intelligent location), will provide the cornerstones of the mobile future: in Vehicles, SMART Homes, Wearables, Buildings, Cities, and Enterprises. They will require the best-of-the-best location and context expertise to fully capitalize on location and sensor information potential, and more broadly the potential from advances in higher precision location, sensors, context detection, mobile platforms, 5G/6G, cloud, data mining, and even AI. E911-LBS Consulting, and its sister company E911-LBS Forensics Engineering, are on top of the latest developments in these fields, and our expertise and experience in visioning, designing and implementation of leading edge, highly innovative location-related use cases and products will help you make the most of the coming next information explosion.
Bottom Line: In the business world, the unparalleled experience of E911-LBS Consulting in the conceptualizing, design, development, implementation, and ongoing management of LBS, E911 and IoT applications, technologies, and infrastructure will put your business at the top of the location-based services, wireless E911, and IoT worlds. In the criminal/civil forensics world, E911-LBS Forensics Engineering, discussed below, with its insider’s knowledge of how location systems are designed, can identify all the opportunities for errors that are inherent in any system.
Cell Phone and IoT Forensics Services – E911-LBS Forensics Engineering
E911-LBS Forensics Engineering provides cellphone forensic data extraction, analysis, reports, and testimony on the validity and accuracy of electronic data in accident reconstruction and crime/crime scene analysis. This includes all types of GPS-based, triangulation-based, and cell tower-based systems and emergency/public safety E911/112/110 systems, as well as many other location-based survelliance devices and associated tracking technologies and systems. We use CDR (Call Detail Records), Google, Facebook, NELOS,PCMD, RTT, and EVDO data, using Hawk Analytics, Paraben/Cellebrite, and Google cellphone tools.
Augmented Reality
Apple and Google (iOS and Android)
AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) Systems (Multiple Platforms, such as Geotab)
Aviation (GPS systems)
- Beacons and Associated Systems (e.g. Airtags, BLE Beacons, etc.)
Connected Cars/Driverless Cars
- ELD, AOBRD (Electronic Logging Devices, Automatic OnBoard Recording Devices)
E911 (Wireless Enhanced 9-1-1 systems)
Google Maps/Earth/Timeline
(Specialty) GPS (e.g Parolee Ankle Bracelets, Asset Trackers)
Home/Industrial Automation systems
- Internet of Things (Multiple Platforms)
Internet web browsing (multiple platforms)
- IP Addresses
- Localized Networks (WiFi, Bluetooth, Internet Extenders, etc.)
Location Aggregators
SMART systems (Cities, Buildings, Infrastructure)
Social Media (beyond Facebook)
Surveillance, Tracking and Safety Systems (Nest, Ring, Commercial)
- Telematics Platforms, including integration with vehicle sensors/sensor arrays
- Underground, Underwater, and Aviation systems
Vehicle Trackers, Vehicle Info/Entertainment Systems, Vehicle pairing with other devices
Mobile Location Expert Witness Litigation Support Services
We provide the highest quality and most impactful expert witness services related to wireless location, across the full range of IP/patent dimensions from the most technical to those regarding business methods. We have successfully provided expert witness services in over 150 patent, anti-trust, trade secret, and ITC matters, including many successful Inter Parte Reexaminations (IPRs), as well as over 50 criminal and civil litigation matters including homicide, attempted homicide, arson, armed robbery, sexual assault, and others. Our credentials in wireless location goes as far back to the early 1980s. We have testified successfully in (U.S.) federal district courts and other proceedings and venues (including in Canadian and South America venues) over 10 times, and have been deposed over 30 times.
Mobile Location Product Design and Implementation
We provide location technology strategy and solution development expertise to make location-enabled service concepts a reality in terms of location and Internet of Things (IoT) technology platforms, end-user devices, and overall network, IT, and customer facing support systems integration, and at a speed and cost needed for rapid product introduction and ongoing management.
Specific services include:
* LBS, IoT, and E911/Public Safety Use Case and Application Design and Development
* Indoor and Outdoor Location Determination Technology Design, Evaluation and Selection
* Mobile App Requirements Definition
* Mobile/Backoffice IT Integration Planning and Project Management
* Sales/Service Mobile Technology Optimization
* Implementation Roadmap Development
* Product Realization, Implementation Management
Mobile Location Strategy Development and Implementation
We combine unparalleled market and industry experience and expertise, location thought leadership, and vigorous analysis to create market-leading and implementable strategies and measurable solutions. Our real-world experience in systems integration and interoperability enables us to develop the best possible solution that effectively and efficienty meets your business goals.
Specific services include:
* LBS and IoT Product Strategy Development
* Indoor Technical Strategy Development
* Business Process and Business Case Development
* Competitive Assessment and Analysis
* Marketing Strategy Development
* Operations Strategy Development
* Market Launch Planning and Program Management
Connected/Driverless Car Development Services (Privacy and Security)
Availability, integrity, reliability, access to, protection of, and effective utilization of location data will critical to the success of connected cars. E911-LBS Consulting can assist you in the design and implementation of critical location-related subsystems throughout the connected car ecosystem, particularly with respect to privacy and security. Contact [email protected] for more information.